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so I always knew that of course this year was going to be a little bit different.Andretti have been dealt a fresh blow in their efforts to find a way into F1.we actually deliver a product that meets those targets and objectives.I can just tell you that obviously concerns me that people can get away with that kind of stuff without being backed or anything like that.

“Nothing changed on the car.“Reverse the outcome of the reasoning and you have a team telling a driver to break the rules to create a safety car to help them win.it means that both parties are happy with what we got.I think any team on the grid would be fortunate to have someone like Carlos alongside them.

because I remember seeing reports three months ago that I had signed for Mercedes.which I can deploy the way I want.That message comes from former racer turned Channel 4 pundit Billy Monger.and I think the market at the moment is quite open.
